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Ønsker du at være medlem af Kolding Golf klub? En perle i det jyske, hvor jeg vil være at finde i sæsonen 2022.

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40 års fornøjelse i at instruere

Gennem de sidste 40 år har haft den store fornøjelse at instruere alt fra amatører til tourspillere.
Det, som jeg går meget op I, er, at ingen kan undervises ens, for vi er alle forskellige og skal derfor undervises individuelt. Vores krop og sind skal være med for og øge forståelse og indlæring.

Det der kendetegner denne fantastiske sport, er, at vi ikke er begrænset af alder og kan nyde den, så hvis vi forstår og tage udgangspunkt I, hvor den enkelte er, og hvor vi gerne vil hen, så har vi et godt udgangspunkt for og nyde dette fantastiske spil.

Jeg ser frem til og hjælpe dig til at blive den bedste udgave af dig selv.

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“Fredrik er gudbenådet underviser i golf, fordi han om nogen er dedikeret til sit job på en meget personlig måde, hvorfor han også er en særdeles behagelig person at være sammen med. Fredrik har et oprigtig ønske om at lære golfkursister noget nyt og brugbart specifikt målrettet til den enkeltes niveau og fatteevne. Personligt kan jeg vældig godt lide Fredriks brug af metaforer og konkrete billeder op fulgt af en forklaring uagtet hvor logisk den er, giver mening og således lettere kan overføres til golfspillet. Samtidigt husket et budskab/en adfærd lettere, når man både forstår og mærker det kropsligt. “Aha, det er på den måde, at jeg skal mærke”, at jeg eksempelvis får svinget rigtigt igennem.
Golf er et finurligt og vanskeligt spil, men Fredrik forstår at gøre det sjovt for enhver – prøv det og du vil få nye erkendelser samt mod på at fortsætte din golfudvikling.

“Fredrik is, without any doubt, the best golf instructor I have ever had in Denmark. His knowledge about golf is mind-boggling and he perfects to apply this knowledge to fit the person he is coaching. I have seen Fredrik coach professional golf players as well as beginners, and the range of methods, he is using, is extensive. And with amazing results!
On top of this, Fredrik is a very nice and kind person.
I hereby give my warmest recommendations of Fredrik!

“In the time I have known Fredrik I have experienced him as a great golf coach, he is absolutely competent in all aspects of the game. He is also very pedagotisk and is really good at focusing on student strengths. And on top of these abilities, Fredrik an immensely likeable and respected person. So I can only highly recommend him.
BR Jesper Damgaard

“Very impressive coaching skills, tailored and creative advice with a friendly attitude. Thank you!

“Fredrik is skillede PGA Golf instructor at the highest level. I know him as a very dedicated and reliable person. He has a very professional approach and is up to date in all the latest development within golf instruction and coaching. His work at Lübker is much appreciated by members and visitors of all levels. His group tuition and innovative programs earns him much credit and serves as great examples of modern golf instruction. One of those successful programs a.o. was “taking it to the next level” where he looked at the students physical abilities in order to work on these to be able to perform a better golf swing.less
January 31, 2013, Henrik was with another company when working with Fredrik at Lübker Golf Club

“I recommend Frederik highly – He´s engaged to golf and to people at most levels – If I were a professional golfer I would world with Frederik…Kim S
2013, Working with Fredrik at Lübker Golf Club

“The best Pro ever! Able to get everybody on the track: from the beginner to the top professional.
Covers all aspects from mental to physical/technical.

“Fredrik er den bedste træner jeg har haft. Han arbejder ud fra hele mennesket og ikke kun teknisk, og hans kompetencer er i top. Kan kun varmt anbefale ham.

“I have seen Fredrik performing in several of his capacities, e.g as Head Pro, as coach for the Elite Golf Team in Svendborg Golf club, as personal coach for Danish Junior golfers, as well as in the capacity as personal golf-coach.
Fredrik spans a huge range of skills, that makes him unique. He takes a holistic view and brings a varity of relevant components Into play, e.g combining golf techniques with process-focus and the personal development component of the individual golf player.
Fredrik is highly valued and respected for his open and honest approach, and from a personal point of view, I am always looking forward to the inspiring golf-coaching sessions with Fredrik, even if it has implied extended time and transportation from Sjælland to Svendborg or Lubker Golf Resort …. Fredrik is outstanding as Golf-coach as well as a person with a holistic view, that I haven’t seen anyone matching until now.
Feel free to contact me for further comments / clarification
Bjarne Christiansen

“For three years I had the pleasure of receiving golf lessons and participate in golf courses provided by Frederik.
Fredrik has an unique ability to reach the goals by identifying the individual needs and ambitions of his students and by considering the personal factors like physic, mentality, experience, technique, knowledge etc.
I really admire Fredrik for his ability to teach, coach on all levels and the way he manage to make each student feeling something special no matter of age and golf level.
Fredrik is able to make each lesson “Taylor Made” by using all of his knowledge, and I hope to receive more lessons/courses in the future.

“Jeg har igennem en årrække arbejdet med Fredrik igennem vores elitearbejde i Svendborg Golf Klub. Det bedste ved Fredrik er ikke kun det enormt høje faglige/tekniske niveau, men det faktum at han tog udgangspunkt i mig. Jeg er startet sent som golfspiller og har derfor ikke en skolet teknik, men Fredrik formår at tage udgangspunkt i dette og flytte niveauet herfra.. Fredrik har herudover en fantastisk personlighed der får mine bedste anbefalinger…

“I started using Fredrik as my golf pro in 2000, and worked with him through out my professional career.
He is the best golf professional I have ever worked with. His knowledge of all aspects of the game is un-parallel to any other golf pro I know.
He puts his heart and soul into every lesson.
Fredrik became a friend as well as my golf pro, and I can only recommend Fredrik to any serious golfer. Unlike many other golf professionals, Fredrik doesn’t teach 1 swing. He studies your body and your natural movement, and tries to build a swing which fits your body and personality.
On a scale from 1-5, I give Fredrik 6 stars!!!!!!
Fredrik, Thank you for all the good times we have had together, and for always being there for me.
Anders Bogebjerg, PGA professional

“I know Fredrik like a really good headpro. Fredrik can improve any golfer’s game whether you’re a rookie or pro. Serious, methodical, and motivational characterize Fredrik. Spend some time with Fredrik, and your game will change dramatically. My best recommendation goes to Fredrik Johnsson

“Jeg kender Fredrik som et super-sympatisk menneske samt en dygtig og engageret golf-pro i Svendborg Golfklub.
Fredrik er altid parat til at hjælpe andre mennesker, og har en positiv tilgang til tilværelsen, der gør, at jeg er rigtig glad for at kende ham.

“Fredrik er en træner i særklasse. Uanset om det f.eks. er ens grip, stance, holdning eller det mentale han korrigerer lidt ved – så kan man være sikker på at Fredriks træning gør at man rykker sig rigtigt meget! Fredrik kan anbefales både til individuel- og holdtræning, alle vil få noget positivt ud af det.

“I have had several training sessions with Fredrik, and that have really help me build a solid golfswing – a swing I can trust. Fredrik always see the opportunities in the capability you have and explain the drills and reason for them, in a understandable and down-to-earth manner. If you want to move forward with your golf – arrange a training session with Fredrik.

“Fredrik udviser en meget høj entusiasme for alle “elever”. Høj som lav og kendetegnes således en meget høj integritet og en superfin personlighed. Og jeg har aldrig mødt en golftræner, der i den grad diagnosticer ude fra helheder og med en meget pragmatisk og let forståelig kommunikation af sine observationer.

I proudly recommend Fredrik, with his outstanding skills, not only as the extraordinary efficient and competent Pro, He is. But also for his special way of combining experience, competence, personality, patience and the determination to achieve the outmost with every single player.
Preparation in every detail, observations, the talent to listen and hear what was unsaid, The ability to motivate you to reach the next level. No doubt you will approve your game, – but maybe more important, after a while you discover that you have been “touched”, touched by the obvious simplicity of making logical decisions – and your mindset have changed………..Not only on the golf course but also outside the course…… and for that you don’t pay extra.

“I was lucky enough to work with Fredrik, at Lübker Golf Resort during my time, he was a benefit to the golf resort in attracting new players as well as many of his former clients to return for teaching or just beginning the game. He has a professional approach to his teaching but in a simple way that everyone can understand & apply to their game. Everyone i spoke to who was taught my him only had positive things to say & always commented that he was able to improve their golf swing & their overall play. I would not hesitate recommending Fredrik to any organization who are in search of as teaching golf professional.

“Fredrik makes all his golf clients to better golfers. This fantastic result is obtained by a combination of Fredriks skills: sublime technical insight and a extremely motivating approach.
Fredrik is 100 % engaged in his job and his customers.
Fredrik is great !

“As a new member of the Lübker Golf Club, I was so lucky to get introduced to the golf play and later trained by Fredrik frequently.
Fredrik is a very open minded person with multiple ways of how to get people feel and move on with their own success.
If you(r) looking for a high class golf trainer, inspirator, team player, then you got to the right profile, and I will personally followup  the next step, and even maybe continue to get training or courses from Fredrik.

“Fredrik makes all his golf clients to better golfers. This fantastic result is obtained by a combination of Fredriks skills: sublime technical insight and a extremely motivating approach.
Fredrik is 100 % engaged in his job and his customers.
Fredrik is great !

“Fredrik is an excellent golf coach, with a great ability to target his teaching uniquely to the level of each individual. He has deep knowledge in both technical and mental training, and a great personality as well. I highly recommend Fredrik.

“In Lübker we hired Fredrik for his inter personnel skills as well as his wide working experience within PRO/training of golf players from all levels from beginner to elite and furthermore his partnership with domestic and international golf associations. This he has fulfilled;
Fredrik has worked dedicated and emphatic with all members, customers and suppliers. Fredrik posses a unique skill to analyse the person in front of him and find the way to develop each individual to the best of his level.
Fredrik is business minded, result oriented and humble. I found great pleasure in working together with him.

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